Monday, September 27, 2010

Television Trisuckta

The other day I was simultaneously watching three terrible TV shows. While this didn't compel me to turn off the box, it was a real eye opener as to what people are entertained by today. On one channel, Entertainment Tonight was doing a long piece on Bristol Palin's triumphant return to Wasila to film an episode of Dancing With the Stars. I can't be sure, but it appeared from the segment that perhaps Bristol is neither too bright nor too interesting. In fact, there was some evidence that all of Wasila is neither too bright nor too interesting, and that Entertainment Tonight is not so entertaining.
Saturday Night Live was on, and Katy Perry was singing. If I'd missed that girl, I would have liked it, but that was not meant to be. I try not to be mean or too negative, but the performance was embarrassingly bad. Truly awful, I tell you. I felt sorry for the band and the back up dancers. They're just trying to make a living after all. They were all dressed up like football players and slutty school girls. It's bad enough that they have to play that crap, but to make them look so stupid is just cruel. Why is Katy singing about her teenage dreams? She's 25! I don't want to say she carries her talent in her tah-tahs, but they were, by far, her most impressive asset. I know this guy who is an animator working on her next video. I don't want to give anything away, but in a surprise move, she'll be calling attention to her chestial area, with what I understand to be nipple fireworks. OK, so I'm not a fan.
The last show I watched I dvr'd, because I thought it would be good. It was billed as a documentary-type reality show about revisiting a high school class in Austin, Texas. It has a name almost irresistible to people of my age - My Generation. It blew so hard I can't even dignify it with description.
While all of this saddens me, it helped me to remember what is sincerely important about time and tv. Time spent not watching Mad Men is better spent watching The Choir or Modern Family, or even POV or CBS Sunday Morning. I must be more discerning, and use my time wisely.
I gotta get out more!


  1. chestial areas rule:

  2. i'm going to disneyland!

  3. Who do you know working on Katy Perry's next video? I know someone who is in Bangladesh filming her next video right now. What a small world. Or is it that she just gets aroooound?!


  4. Sandra Campbell lives in Wasilla. :) Did you know that?!

  5. But Katy rocked with Elmo. He was so smart to escape her.
